

任务 & 愿景

TRiO Upward Bound Programs provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The programs provide opportunities for participants to succeed in their pre-college performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. Our programs serve high school students from low-income families and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. TRiO Upward Bound assists program participants through academic services, 文化丰富活动, and individual 咨询 to become better prepared to enter and succeed in a post-secondary educational institution. 也, the program helps students acquire information regarding college (both in-state and out-of-state), 探索职业选择, 选择合适的专业.


Our goal is to increase the rate at which participants enroll in and graduate from institutions of post-secondary education. The 向上三重奏 Programs consists of two components: academic year and summer. 所有服务和活动都是免费的. 上进项目提供数学方面的学术指导, 实验室科学, 作文, 文学, 还有外语. 辅导, 咨询, 指导, 文化的浓缩, 勤工俭学, education and 咨询 services are designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of students. Services are available to students from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary education such as students with disabilities, 无家可归的学生, 被寄养的学生, 或者其他没有联系的学生.


学生 are expected to comply with the Upward Bound rules and regulations during both the Academic year and Summer components.

  • Only students in regular attendance during the Academic Year component will be allowed to participate in the Summer component.
  • 如果学生必须缺席上升班课程, 学生必须在返回时提交正式的书面理由. Three or more unexcused absences from the program can result in immediate dismissal from the Upward Bound Program.
  • There will be no gum chewing or eating during class or when there is a speaker present. 学生必须上课满一天才能获得津贴. Non-Upward Bound participants are not allowed to attend or become involved in regularly scheduled sessions/activities.
  • Alcoholic beverages, 受控物质, or dangerous weapons are strictly prohibited. 任何被发现持有酒精饮料的学生, 受控物质, or dangerous weapons will be dismissed from the Upward Bound program and escorted off campus by the campus police.
  • Fighting, obscene language, threatening other individuals, gambling, or theft is strictly prohibited. Any student found guilty of the above mentioned offenses will be placed on disciplinary probation or dismissed from the Upward Bound program.
  • 毁坏或污损校园财产是不被容忍的.
  • 手机, 上课时不允许使用电子设备和/或耳机, 研讨会, 研讨会, 演讲或咨询会议.
  • 最低学业成绩2分.平均成绩5分, is expected of all participants for every grading period in order to continue to access program services on an uninterrupted basis.
  • During the summer component, no outside visitors other than parents/guardian are allowed on campus.
  • Summer component participants must be on their assigned floor of the dormitory by 10:00p.m. 必须在晚上11点前到达指定宿舍.m.
  • Summer component participants must return to the dormitory each Sunday, no earlier than 8:00p.m.
  • All Upward Bounders need to be picked up on time after our Friday cultural activity. Those left longer than an hour will not be allowed to attend the next week’s cultural activity. All keys must be given to the assigned tutor- mentor before leaving for the weekend.
  • Any participant who obtains three (3) discipline reports during the academic component of the program will not be eligible to participate in the summer component of the program.
  • Any participant who obtains three (3) discipline reports during the summer component of the program will be suspended for the remainder of the summer component and may or may not be eligible to return for the academic year.
  • Participants who obtain excessive discipline reports may be dismissed from the Upward Bound Program depending on the severity of the offense and/or the discretion of the Upward Bound staff.
  • Parents must notify the Director and/or Counselors in cases of emergency removal of a student from the Upward Bound Program.

All disciplinary cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the project director, and a full consultation with parents and/or significant care-givers will take place.

Counseling referrals will also be made as necessary so as to promote self-discipline and to encourage socially accepted behavior. It is the Upward Bound Program’s mission to retain and/or reclaim all participants to the extent possible and to offer guidance as they transition from secondary to higher education).


Upward Bound students receive stipends based upon grade point averages and attendance. 学生 arriving to the program after the sessions have begun or students who do not complete the day will be penalized.

  • 过度的缺席或迟到
  • 未报告个别咨询会议
  • 没有成绩单
  • 表现不正当行为